Friday, August 24, 2007

Diana's new blog

Hello fellow bloggers,

I welcome the opportunity of exploring the Web 2.0, and the new technologies dealing with Learning 2.0 Challenge. I am passionate about exploring new Technologies, probably out of the fear of being left behind. This is a way to stay young, expand our minds, be able to talk the same language teens and youngsters talk. Nowadays, not being knowledgeable of the emerging technologies on the web is a handicap, just like not being able to speak a language. Let’s trespass the barrier and learn a new language!
This is a total new manner of communicating with each other. We either use the new web 2.0 tools or we will be technology illiterate.

What I would like to share with my group:

Fears: Not having the time to fully commit to this learning process. Being bombarded by participants’ new posts and having to skim through every day.

Commitment: this is not just about getting trained, but also learning, and sharing information with our coworkers who, due to different circumstances do not have the opportunity to participate in this program. I also feel committed to lifelong learning.

The fun part: self-discovery and the fun of working together.

Relief: having the possibility of anonymously posting on the web, until we feel more comfortable with the new technology.

Key words (my new vocabulary): blog, RSS, Blogger, Flickr, Odeo, YouTube, PBWiki & Bloglines.

Diana Velati